Monday, December 12, 2011

What type of CD or DVD should be used to transfer photo's on a computer to a disk?

I've lost photo's before when my computer crashed. I want to protect them this time.|||dsBacking up is everyone's responsibility. I'm sorry you had to go through a tragedy like losing everything to learn that lesson. For me the strategy that works is doing things in 2-3 layers. have multiple external hard drives, preferably one drive per copy of your gallery. depending on the size of your gallery you might have to split it up into two or more drives per copy, though this is unlikely that you have several terabytes of media. the largest commerically available,that i can find, is two terabyte drives. for a thourough explanation of disk sizes please visit it explains what's a kilo- mega- giga tera-byte(s) are. if you are a pro photographer you'll probably use up a terabyte or a 2 terabyte with in a year or two if you keep everything and you use high resolution RAW files. you might have to look into getting more storage than a typical user. if you are a typical user 2 terabytes is probably all you'll ever need period. and probably way beyond what you'd need for pictures. It takes me about a couple 3 years to fill up half a terabyte and i'm a computer nerd! With that said. Bottom line get some Hard drives.

Second tier is Backing up the prized posessions, the master pieces to DVD. CD wasn't really desinged for holding images. DVD as the name Digital Video Disk implies, was designed for video and images. Yes you can backup to CD, especially if it's a small amount that you are giving to a friend or something along those lines or they don't have a dvd reader, if they don't devorce them. :D just kidding! Nothing in this life is permanent. even if you keep your backups in a hermetically sealed vault in an underground bunker that's been fortified and is gaurded against natural disasters and nuclear attack you still have issues with keeping those pictures around. The ectromagnetic signature on tapes lose their charge (backing up to a tape archive is an option), printed photographs fade, hard drives have mechanical parts that fail and can ruin your photos. CDs and DVDs get scrached. The only thing that's going to survive the millenia without any help from human kind are stone carvings. So you have to be diligent about backing up your data.

onto software, you should use the backup tools that come with your operating system. windows has them Mac definatly has timemachine, linux has them. You don't have to spend money to get a backup utility. there's one right on your computer, if you have XP you have to have the orgininal Disk that XP came on but if that's the case time for an upgrade anyway. if you've got a current mac, Use time machine. if you don't like the backup tool on windows you can pay for a different one. most stuff for linux is free... mac has a few other tools for backup available but I think time machine is prettty darn good. I think that's about it. Get all of these, get a couple new hard drives, get DVDs, and possibly a new computer, because your old one crashed... ok. if you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to contact me!|||I think you want to backup your photos on CD or DVD disk, according to my experience, DVD+RW and DVD-RW disk are better choice, because:

1. DVD disk can provide the larger capcity then CD disk, you can write 4.7GB photos on a DVD disk, but a CD disk only 700mb.

2. Both DVD+RW and DVD-RW disk are rewritable, so you can remove or modify the content on DVD+RW and DVD-RW disk, but DVD+R and DVD-R disk only write once.

At last, you need to use a right data dvd burning software, you can use RZ Free DVD Burner, its free and easy to use, it can directly burn any files or folders to any dvd disk for backup, such as directly burn your photos to DVD+RW or DVD-RW disks for backup, you can yahoo or google search RZ Free DVD Burner and download it.

Hope these infos can help you.|||CD-R, DVD-R or DVD+R.

Use a good brand. I recommend Verbatim. Recordable DVDs have a limited lifespan. Verbatim discs are known to last longer. With the cheaper brands can may not be able to read the disc after two years.|||CD-R or DVD-R depending on the size of your photo collection.|||why not buy and external Hard Drive?

if not CD-R or DVD-R will do.

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