Monday, December 12, 2011

What type of degree is required to transfer to med school...?

To be an anesthesiologist.

I talked to someone at my college, but she just started and didn't seem to know much. She said I needed to become an RN then get my masters in it, then transfer to med school, but I had a previous advisor tell me that I needed an associates in science degree to transfer to a four year school, then get my masters in science, then go to med school for anesthesiology. Thanks!|||The only way to transfer into med school is to do so from another med school.

You need to get a bachelor's degree first, and then be accepted into med school. Specialization does not happen until residency, which is after you finish medical school.

There is no need to get a master's degree, unless you want to. Nursing is OK as a major, but does not give you any advantage over any other major.|||I believe you need a bachelor's degree (4 years). It can be in anything as long as you meet the science requirements for the med schools you want to apply to. Being an RN and getting a masters is by no means necessary!!!! Chemistry (inorganic and organic), intro biology, and several other core science classes are required for most med schools. Hope that helps! Here is a website that should give you a good start in your search for information:|||All the med students I have ever known have gotten a BS in Biology first, then applied to med school

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