Monday, December 12, 2011

What type of degree is required to transfer to med school...?

To be an anesthesiologist.

I talked to someone at my college, but she just started and didn't seem to know much. She said I needed to become an RN then get my masters in it, then transfer to med school, but I had a previous advisor tell me that I needed an associates in science degree to transfer to a four year school, then get my masters in science, then go to med school for anesthesiology. Thanks!|||Any 4 year college degree (bachelor) would suffice, as long as you have completed the medical school prerequisites. 1 year of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, english, and calculus. Few require half year of microbiology and/or physiology. You do not need to become a RN to enter medical school, nor do you need to obtain an associates or master's degree, just a bachelor degree.

After you completed your prerequisites which typically takes 2 years to accomplish, you take the MCAT which is somewhat like the SAT you took for college except much harder. Upon your late junior to senior year, you apply to enter medical school. It is recommended that applicants achieve at least 3.6 overall GPA or higher, and 30 MCAT or higher for a good chance of acceptance.|||You don't 'transfer' to medical school. College to medical school is like high school to college. You finish one, then you start at the other. Transfer means you already started.

You need a 4-year college degree to apply to medical school. You also need a high (3.5 or higher) GPA and high MCAT scores. To pass the MCATs, you need to take multiple biology, chemistry, and physics classes. Your academic adviser should be able to tell you which classes are necessary for pre-med. No, you don't need a nursing degree. Or a masters.|||you need a BS usually in Biology or Biochemistry from there you would take the MCAT's and then apply to med school you cannot transfer to med school........its kinda like graduating from high school , taking the ACT/SAT and then applying for college......... But i dont think you need to go to med school to be an anesthesiologist i think you can do a specialized program it depends on the college so look into that aswell|||As some of the others have already told you, you'll need a BS degree in biology -- you don't need a masters, and you certainly don't have to have a BSN -- it's an entirely different profession. An anesthesiologist is an MD so then you must APPLY to medical school. They look at grades, and many other things as well. You'll have an interview and they'll ask what languages you speak, awards received, places traveled, instruments played, sports played, organizations you held office in -- all sorts of things to find out more about you as a person. Then they decide if they want to accept you or not. Students apply to several schools because you usually get rejection letters from some. It's a long, hard experience, but well worth it if you really want it. Good luck.|||I'd think you'd need a bachelors degree.

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