Thursday, December 15, 2011

1986 Jeep commanche Transfer Case service-- what type of fluid?

I want to change the oil in a 1986 Commanche's making a little noise and I'm not sure it has the right stuff in it now. Do I use Dexron ATF or Gear oil?|||If it's the Spicer/Dana 300, it uses 85w90 gear oil.

If you have manual front hubs, then you have this T/C.

If it is a New Process it takes ATF. This T/C uses a vacuum motor to connect and disconnect the front axle.

rkb|||that would depend on if it is an automatic or standard trans mission, automatic would take dextron, standard would take gear oil

Friction is a great example of which type of heat transfer?

Friction is not an example of heat transfer. Friction creates the heat. The heat created by friction can get transfered to the surroundings by all three types of heat transfer depending on what two surfaces or median that is creating the friction.|||conduction|||Conduction, but it may also have convection, if there is a moving fluid with different temperature around such as air.|||Friction is a great example of heat and light propagation IE.. heat produce by bearing surfaces, light emitting diode (LED) works on friction. While heat transfer can be manipulated by solid materials (conduction) , by air (convection), and liquid.

Complete and balance the chemical equations.Then classify the equation as electron-transfer or exchange type?

Complete and balance the chemical equations, then classify the reaction that each equation represents as electron-transfer or exchange type reaction

a.) Mg(s) + O_2_(g) ---%26gt; _____(s)

b.) Na_2_CO_3_(s) +___(aq)--%26gt; NaCl(aq) + H_2_O(L) + ___(g)

c.) ____(aq) + _____(aq) ---%26gt; ZnS(s) + NaCl(aq)|||2 Mg + O2 = 2 MgO ( electron- transfer)

Na2CO3 + 2 HCl = 2 NaCl + H2O + CO2

ZnCl2 + Na2S = ZnS + 2 NaCl

To make a custom iron-on shirt, do you need a special type of water-proof ink? What transfer paper is good?

There is also an inkjet transfer paper that you can buy. Download images like you own or from a popular web site. Then printed through your ink jet printer and ironed on to material. Comes in white or black t-shirt formats.|||if you go to your local craft store they'll have iron on transfer paper. that'll do the job.

What type of lead do i need to transfer images from my laptop to my lcd tv?

you could have a look on here,鈥?/a>|||A VGA lead if your tv has a VGA connector

VGA to DVI if your tv has DVI

Some laptops have svideo output, so then you will need svideo lead to your tv (with scart/svideo converter)

Which type of energy transfer occur even in a vacuum?

combustion, radiation, convection, or conduction?|||RADIATION. IT'S THE ONLY TYPE OF TRANSFER WHICH CAN OCCUR THROUGH SPACE.|||Combustion requires oxygen.

Convection requires a medium to travel in (air movement).

Conduction requires touch.|||Radiation.

I am not sure I am helping you if you dont understand why its radiation.

More to the point why it cant be the other 3.|||same question again!? we have the same quiz!

Which type of usb supports faster data transfer and faster pc internet- micro usb or mini usb?

To transfer files from mobile phone to pc and to surf internet in pc using mobile phone through usb data cable, which is faster - micro usb port or mini usb port?|||micro is replacing mini鈥?/a>

Which type of usb supports faster data transfer and faster pc internet- micro usb or mini usb?

To transfer files from mobile phone to pc and to surf internet in pc using mobile phone through usb data cable, which is faster - micro usb port or mini usb port?|||Micro and Mini USB are just connectors, the only difference between them is the devices they're used in. One small difference (besides size and shape of course) is that according to Wikipedia, the micro USB connector is engineered for better durability (more insertions and removals).

*The more important thing when looking for speed is whether the device is USB 1.1, 2.0, or the newest 3.0.*

The one most used nowadays is USB 2.0, in iPods, digital cameras, consumer-level external hard drives, many cell phones, etc.

The website where you type in a course number of a class and see if the credits will transfer to UH Manoa?

I remember going to this website where you can put in the course number of a class you are taking at another school and it will show you the equivalent course at UH, and will tell you if the credits are transferable. I have no idea where to find this website and what the URL is. Does anyone know?|||I think it is this:

Good luck!|||I've never heard of this website but there must be some link to it off of the UH Manoa website ( I would check it out and see what you can find.

Good luck and happy studying!

What type of Heat transfer is found in a hair dryer?

There is an electrically heated element in the dryer. The heat generated in the element is transferred to the airstream mainly by forced convection. The same applies to the transfer of heat from the warmed airstream to your hair - it's by forced convection.

I'm sorry to perhaps confuse you by this answer contradicting all the others; I didn't like to see you being so blatantly misinformed!

By the way, the answer to your electric stove question is correct and comprehensive.|||As your previous question. The heat is created by electrical current flowing through wire, causing resistance and hence radiating heat.

Hope this helps again!|||Sorry, Skeeter doesn't need a hair dryer for his flowing locks so he wouldn't know. Why don't you try the lather, rinse, repeat* cycle?

*Always repeat for that silky, silky shine ;)

Secret #12

The only thing I fake is my tan|||The heating coil in the hair dryer transfers heat to the air that is blowing through it by conduction and radiation. The hot is then blown out of the hair dryer on to your hair transferring the heat to your hair by conduction.

Which type of heat transfer occurs when you burn your hand?

coduction i think..........because convection is usually for heat tranfer in air or water|||conduction?

What type of waves are sound waves, and how do they transfer energy?

Longitudinal pressure waves. Energy is transferred by elastic collisions between molecules.

What type of chemical bond results in a transfer of electrons from one atom to another?

ionic|||there cannot be a bond if there is a transfer|||good question. I believe the chemical reacts to the electric.|||ionic bonding is transfer of electrons|||ionic - transfer

covalent - sharing|||Depends on if they bond to form a new substance or not. If the do its ionic if they dont its covalent.|||An ionic bond results from the transfer of an electron from one element to another. This makes the two ions oppositely charged and so attracted to each other. e.g in NaCl, (salt) Na gives up an electron to Cl to form Na+Cl- which are then attracted to each other.

A covalent bond is where the electrons from different atoms are 'shared'. e.g. hydrogen gas is H2 each hydrogen has 1 electron and they mix them together to give 2 electrons, a complete electron shell. (It's actually much more complicated than that but trust me you really don't want me to get into molecular orbitals and so forth).|||If it's a complete transfer of electron/s, then it's an ironic bond.

If the electrons are shared between atoms, it's a covalent bond.|||Ionic Bond.|||Your questions seem incomplete. you have to specify which kind of elements are involved. assume salt (Na and Cl) is the substance involved. The electron from Na will transfer to Cl (for Cl is more electronegative). This chemical bond is an Ionic bond. If it is a carbon ring or an alcohol, these have covalent bonds.|||Ionic or Electrovalent.|||oxidation-reduction|||ionic

Do you see the NHL and KHL agreeing to a type of player transfer system between leagues?

Not any time soon. The NHL is just not prepared any more than what they have to......and keep in mind, the NHL currently has no transfer agreement with Sweden, Germany, Slovakia, or the Czech Republc as well (the deal worked out in the summer of 2008 fell apart in December 2008 when the Czech's reneged on the agreement and the dominoes started falling).

Currently, the NHL sends the IIHF money for every player drafted from outside Hockey Canada and USA Hockey (the latter two get their money directly).......and so far.....none of the money has been sent back by any of the European Leagues.

As we found out with the Malkin situation, as long as the player and his representatives follow the laws in their countries, it makes it easy for the player to choose where HE wants to play.

Spacerabbit - the transfer deal only affects players who are drafted. Once a player has been signed a contract, the transfer deal doesn't apply.

The transfer agreement is an agreement that the NHL has with various international federations to provide compensation for the development of talent. When the NHL drafts a player from a league run by Hockey Canada....the NHL cuts a cheque to Hockey Canada ($75K/player). When the NHL drafts a player from a USA Hockey partner or US High School, they cut a cheque to USA Hockey ($100K) or the high school ($75K), and likewise when the NHL drafts a player from a European League, they cut a cheque to that league through the IIHF ($250K). The NHL is the ONLY league in the world that pays for talent. The sticking point in the current situation is that the KHL and Czech leagues want a sliding scale starting at $1MM for a first rounder (such as Ovechkin/Cherepanov) down to $400K for a 7th rounder. There are NHL teams that would be disadvantaged at paying $1MM for a European first rounder

The purpose of the transfer fee is that the NHL cuts the cheque a few days after the return, the NHL team obtains that player's NHL rights AND (in theory) there is nothing stopping that player from signing with the team when he's ready. As the purpose of the money is to continue U-20 player development, the fee gets paid whether the player desires to play in the NHL or not.

Currently USA Hockey and Hockey Canada don't have transfer deals with the IIHF because the belief is that these kids want to play in the NHL.

So, a transfer agreement has no bearing on young NHLers playing anywhere in Europe...once a player is not under contract to an NHL team, he's free to sign with whomever they want without transfer worries.

Now, there is a second issue that needs to be resolved, and has nothing to do with the transfer agreement, and that is the recognition that a player is under contract to another league. Currently the KHL says it will respect that - but has stolen players from the NHL (Radulov), the Elitsarien, and the Czech Superliga who still had existingyears left on their contracts. There is also the grey area that Jiri Hudler was in last summer. The transfer agreement doesn't cover these moves, but a level of mutual respect is needed between leagues.|||The IIHF has long avoided the issue of transfer fees between leagues because there is a belief that the NHL is heads above the European Leagues, so that all the transfer money would be one way because everybody will want to transfer from a European League to the NHL

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|||In Europe, the Elitsarien (SEL) and KHL are considered even competitively by both the NHL and IIHF. The KHL has the better top end talent, but it balances out. The top 3 players on a KHL team are better than the top 3 on an SEL team, but the bottom 8 on the SEL team are much better than the KHL's

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|||So, until such time that there is more balance among the European Leagues, or they all catch up to the NHL, intra league transfer fees will be non-existent (there is a $25K fee payable for RFA equivalents in Europe who switch countries, but nothing for UFAs).

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|||Such a system was tried in Europe in the 1970s between Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and Italy but there was no major movement (Soviet and Czech leagues were off limits at the time) and it was abandoned soon thereafter.


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|||I could see it happening if it could be shown to be fiscally beneficial to both leagues. Gary "The Grinch" Bettman is, in my opinion, the only thing stopping this from happening. I think that the KHL would love to have the opportunity to have lower level NHL players who are interested in improving their skills and living in a different country play in the league, while also getting to see kids that would be called up to the NHL flourish.

What type of chemical bonding involves the transfer of electron(s) from a metal to a non-metal?

ionic bonding

Ionic bonds occur between metals and nonmetals, in which the metal will lose its electron(s) due to the nonmetal's attraction for electrons.|||Ionic bond|||The answer is IONIC BOND or ELECTROVALENT BOND.

Ionic bonds occur between the compounds of metals and nonmetals, in which the metal will lose its electron(s) and donate it to the non-metal due to the nonmetal's attraction for electrons.

Hope it helps!!

What type of students get into the top universities as transfers?

Like Columbia, Yale, Cornell, and MIT. I know from statistics that they accept transfers but what type of students get in?

If you can give examples that would be grade. Could someone who could not get in as a high school student get in as a transfer student (say someone finished high school with a 3.4 GPA)|||Well transferring from a community college etc to an ivy league will be hard. It's more competitive i heard.

But basically your looking at the same type of stats you would need as a high school student if you were applying to an ivy league as such.

For example:

3.7+ GPA

SAT 1900+

ACT 30+

Great EC's such as colunteering, community service etc.

Great personal statement.

Leadership roles in any organizations/clubs/honor society

Played in sports.

The sad thing is, you can have all this and still not get accepted....because there are so many people applying to those schools that are all the same and they have to reject many even tho there not that different from the one who got accepted. They can't accept everyone.

that's the thing with Ivy league's, even if your the best, you still might not get in.|||Mark is absolutely correct. Transfer admissions to Ivies and other top schools are usually more competitive than freshman admissions. The people who were admitted were usually close to getting in out of high school and have outstanding college records that prove they can do college-level work. Absent extraordinary circumstances, it's highly unlikely that anyone with an average or slightly above high school record (3.4, 1800 SAT, whatever) would be accepted, even with a 4.0 in college. There are too many people who want to transfer in, some of whom have 4.0s both in college and high school, 2300+ SATs, excellent resumes, etc.|||Both other answers are correct.

Please keep in mind that there are sometimes exceptions to the rules. Colleges look for special circumstances. For example, my son had an excellent record in high school but was admitted to Yale as a Ph.D student with an even better record after winning a Mellon Foundation scholarship and receiving a bachelors and master degree within four years. Yale did not

What I am stating is that it pays for your to apply since you really have nothing to loose.

Good luck./|||The way to get into a name school is to excel in your undergraduate school, get great LSAT GRE GMAT or what have you scores, and go to the name school for your grad or professional degree.

Nobody cares where you went to undergrad.

A number of writers in this category followed the same path - excel in the low-ranked undergrad school, get great test scores, and go to a top program.

What brand/type of external hard drive has the fastest transfer rate?

most external drives are usb 2.0 w 7200 rpm drives in them. It doesnt make much difference which brand you buy in terms of their comparable speed.

How to type a text document on my windows7 computer and then transfer it to my ti89 titanium?

I know there has to be a way. I just cant seem to find it. Can you help me?

thanks.|||1) Connect your phone to the computer using the 'Data Cable'.

(The Data cable should of came with your phone and a CD)

2) Buy a Bluetooth Dongle -%26gt;鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Hope it helps :)

What type of printer is needed to print on ink jet transfer paper?

im trying to make some designs on shirts but i don't know if i have the right printer..|||An ink-jet printer (as in, NOT a laser printer)

On a hot sunny day, the black surface of a street becomes very hot due to which type of heat transfer?

Thats the question...|||Black absorbs much of the radiation from the sun and converts it to infrared radiation which is heat.|||Radiation and a little convection but mostly radiation x

How do I transfer emails to a CD and be able to rewrite/edit the material (what type of CD)?

I'd like to empty a folder of emails yet be able to view them and rearrange if needed, and add more to the CD as more emails come in. If this is possible, how is it done? Is there a specific CD type needed for this task?|||You can copy and paste them to a folder, name, date, etc. and then burn the CD. Don't finalize and leave the CD session open to add more files at a later date.

If we mix hot water and cold water, what type of heat transfer does this correspond to: conduction, convection?

or radiation?...

And could you give me an example of the other two types of heat transfer?...|||This one is definitely not radiation, things that emit electromagnetic waves or photons fall under that category. To determine if this is conduction or convection is a matter of movement. This would be a convection scenario if the bulk of the water was moving, like hot water over a cold pipe or you were mixing things. Conduction applies if there is no fluid motion, like a warm house surrounded by still, cold air or a metal plate with one warm side and the other cold. I imagine that combining the two fluids would inherently force them to move in a swirling/mixing fashion, it would be classified as convection. Unless, you found a way to combine them soooo slooooowly, the change is discretized enough (think of slowly adding really tiny metal balls to a large container) allowing the temperature to reach equilibrium after each addition, Then it could be approximated as conduction. Hope this helps

What type of fluid do I put in a quadra trac transfer case?

I just got a jeep j10 and was wondering, and if in has hubs can i use something different, also how much do I put in|||chipmaker is wrong on this. You have to get quadratrac fluid. Gear oil is not correct. BJ's off road is your source for all things quadratrac. You can get a new chain and all the seals from him too, which if the chain has never been replaced it needs to be. Don't let the quadratrac haters convince you to ditch it. If it's taken care of it's fine for snow or soft wheeling. Fill it to the top of the fill plug. If your chain needs replaced contact me and I'll run you through the job. |||On the back of the transfer case is two large plugs--the bottom one is a drain plug and the top one is a fill plug. Remove the top plug and fill with 80w90 or 80w120 gear lube until it runs back out of the hole and put the plug back in. Completely empty it shouldn't take more than 3-3 1/2 quarts.|||they have transfer case fluid by jeep amc/

Which type of mechanical seals are used for naphtha transfer pumps ?

Mechanical seals used for vertical sump type naphtha transfer pumps|||Due to the nature of naptha (low lubricating value, great solvent!) (is this for gas turbine use?), pumps with seals are a major problem. Consider a "canned" pump without seals.

If you've got to go with an elastomer seal, use Viton. It will hold up better than just about anything... (so long as you're not trying to hold shuttle boosters together in cold weather - ouch).

What type of waves are sound waves, and how do they transfer engery?

if you kno what a wave is then u know what a sound wave is

. it is not a wave of water but a wave of sound. which still carries energy by travelling through or around things. this is why objects may vibrate, from the sound wave travelling through them|||Sound waves are longitudinal waves. They transfer energy by molecular collision.

What type of waves are sound waves, and how do they transfer engery?

Sound waves are longitudonal waves. And it is also mechanical wave because it cannot travel without a medium. Sound is generated by vibrations. Vibrating source causes the air molecules adjacent with it to vibrate. The air adjacent with the source can be considered as divided into layers. These layers contract and expand alternatively due to the vibration and this alternate contraction %26amp; expansion is responsible for the transfer of sound energy.|||They are pressure waves.|||Sound waves are longitudinal (back and forth) vibrations that propagate through solids, liquids and gases.

Atoms/molecules vibrate and 'bump' into their neighbour transferring energy in the process.

The frequency of the vibration determines the frequency of the sound.

I got a new ipod, is there some type of software that will transfer my songs on my old ipod to my new one?

i want to buy an itouch but not pay 600 dollars for songs i already have on the ipod i have now. alot of the songs are from old computers so i dont have them on my computer, is there some type of software that will transfer my songs on my old ipod to my new ipod?|||Yes you will need an "ipod ripper" you could google for one or go to and search for one.|||You may try this ipod transfer, it can help you copy music, video, movie, photos, playlists, podcasts from iPod to PC. It supports all series of iPod including iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPod Video, iPod Mini, iPod Shuffle, even the iPhone.鈥?/a>

It also has Mac version鈥?/a>

Hope it helps. Contact me if you have any other question.

What type of heat transfer is found in an electric stove?

All three: Conduction when you boil a pan on the hob, convection when you bake something in the oven and radiation when you cook something under the grill.

What type of heat transfer is found in an electric bulb?

in anelectric bulb, the working principle is thermionic emission, where electrical energy is converted to heat energy. the tungsten filament in the bulb gets heated by passage of current to incandescence, at which it emits light. however, only 10% of electric energy is converted to light energy and 90% is wasted as heat energy, that's why these bulbs are very hot during operation and are not economical. nowadays, mostly flourescent lamps are being used producing almost no heat.|||Energy transfer in a light bulb:

Friction (resistance) caused by electrical current, friction (resistance) causes light and heat energy.

The heat is radiated into the environment.|||Hot eletron's to filiment, hot filiment to air, hot infrared radiation to surfaces, then is spreads from there in the same ways, atom to atom and energy wave to atom...

The type of heat transfer that allows a pot of soup to heat evenly is conduction convection radiation or?

Conductivity|||Most of it is convection from the source trough the surface of the pot and to the liquid.

Inside the liquid, heat goes from bottom to top so hardly can be considered evenly heat for the surface of the liquid will always be colder, there are some additional heat loss due to evaporation at the surface of the soup.|||Convection is probably the most important, though conduction has some relevance.

Is there a type of connection i can use to transfer files from one computer to another easily and cheap?

like a usb-usb cord or some other type of cord?|||Easiest way, if they're both on the same LAN, is to just share a folder on one of them. Otherwise a USB-USB transfer cable would work.|||Laplink USB cable?鈥?/a> 2.0|||Easiest way is to just use an external (USB) drive

Should have them backed up to one anyway|||I use a usb flash drive

or you can get a external hard drive. I am not sure if a hundred dollars is a lot for you but I would highly recommend getting an external hard you can get a 1.5 tb drive for a round a hundred dollars.

What type of energy is used in space to transfer energy?

It can be any form of electromagnetic energy.

Is there a way of earning any type of rewards for using a credit card transfer check or any type of papercheck

It depends on what company you do business with...I know that citibank give rewards to their customer....They have a rewards program which is called the Thank You Network....Basically, if you have a checking account, you can get point for writing a check and making online bill payments..with the debit card that you would get for the checking account you get a certain amount of point for every dollar you spent....They also have credit cards which are part of the thankyou network...Like the debit card, you also get thank you points for every dollar you spend....All these points could be redeem for cash, statement credit, products etc.....By the way, there is no charge to be a part of the thank you network (you just have to be citibank customer)

You could check out the link below....

What type of contamination always requires a 'vehicle' to transfer bacteria from raw to cooked food?

Cross Contamination|||cross contamination

Is it possible to connect two laptops together and transfer files between the two? What type of cable to use?

You need a USB "data transfer cable".

wdw|||You can do it with different cables, depending on what type of connection ports your computer have.

1. You can use NIC port by using Network Cables for Data Transfer (crossover) as long as both run in the same network or workgroup.

2. You can use USB port, using USB Data Cable

3. You can use Firewire port, with Firewire Data Cable.|||DON'T use ethernet cord from port to port, you will fry your ethernet card, or mb if it's onboard! The crossover cable mentioned in the earlier answer does work, is made to do what you want to, and will not smoke your components. The USB file transfer cables have been getting cheaper, and aren't a bad way to go either. I mostly use an external hard drive, as time is not so much a factor any more.

Be sure to do a search checking out any advice you read on here, some answers would cost you a boatload of bucks.|||Yes. Basic cable - check your laptop's to see what kind it has.... serial, usb etc... you may have one of usb and the other of bus-2 - in which case you have to have an adapter to transfer the pin connection.

the main laptop would need to have a clue as to what to call the item plugged into the USB or BUS port... like your floppy drive is D or E; your second laptop would need to be identified by some letter... like say, R... then you're set....the first laptop's menu file would show the available drives to transfer from/to...including your new drive R....|||three methods

1. home network

if you are on a home network you could find the desired computer and drag and drop the file to there.

2. ethertnet cord (RJ-45)

Plug both ends into each of the computers ethernet ports and drag drop.

3. usb

use a male to male usb cord to connect to 2 computers then drag and drop also

as i started 3 methods #2 would be the fastest|||If your laptops have bluetooth, you can transfer files over bluetooth, else get a "crossover LAN cable" from a local computer store.|||Go for "RJ-45" Lan cable for easy file transfer. Niether you can transfer through Wi-fi (peer to peer connection).|||i bet so, but i don't know about the cable. Go to Best Buy or on the internet look up Transfering File Cables.

What type of USB cable can connect two computers to transfer documents?

I don't think that USB cables can do that. You could try an ethernet crossover cable, though. It plugs into the ethernet adapters of your two computers and allows them to communicate.|||i dont think u hav USB cable...u need LAN|||A very easy way to connect two PCs is using a USB-USB cable. Connecting two PCs with a cable like this you can transfer files from one PC to another, and even build a small network and share your Internet connection with a second PC

See tutorial here:鈥?/a>|||It's called a USB transfer cable, here are examples:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

However, it's usually much easier to connect two computers using a $5 Ethernet Crossover cable (or an existing network)鈥?/a>|||You can connect 2 computers with a USB cable but working with normal LAN wires is better(USB is slower).

What type of heat transfer is found in an electric oven?


Electric current is passed through a high resistant coil causing the coil to heat up, the hot coil heats up the air in the oven %26amp; in turn through convectional currents, the hot air heats up the food or whatever in the oven.

Pretty simple isnt it??|||Mostly Convection, by transferring heat energy through the air, and to a certain extent, Radiation, by radiant heat, which means that infra-red energy (light) is being emitted by the hot metal.

There won't be much heat transferred by conduction unless the heating element is toughing the food... which is quite unlikely.

The three ways to move heat around are convection, conduction, and radiation.

What type of taxes do i pay on a large amount of money that i transfer into my bank acct from another country?

I am about to get an inheritance in US funds transferred from out of country and want to know how to avoid big governmental fee's.|||They should deduct all the taxes in country it's coming from. My Friend sold condo in another country and pd all the taxes over there not here.|||If this is an inheritance of money or equities, then you will pay no tax. If however the proceeds are from the sale of real property abroad, you may have to pay tax - you should consult a tax accountant.

What type of paper should I use when transferring ink to rock surfaces?

I'm trying to make a sign for outside the house that is on a slab of rock I bought. I made the design in illustrator. I'm going to print it backwards and apply it to the rock. What type of transfer paper would work the best for this? I thought about iron on paper but I highly doubt that would work. Is there any transfer paper for this type of job?|||Using a glue stick, stick the paper you printed to heavier posterboard or cardboard. Cut out the pattern with an exacto knife. Presto. You now have a stencil you can use with spray paint.|||I don't know anything you can do that with as the ink needs to be absorbed by something and rock won't do it.

Have a Kyocera Finemovie 8 camcorder that is broken. How can I play or transfer old 8mm tapes to another type?

la de da de da

What type of things did a slave-ship transfer in the 1700-1800s?

like foodwise... besides slaves... name as many things as you can.|||The classic trading that slave ships were involved in is often described as triangular. First the ships would stock up with manufactured goods in Europe and sail to Africa. There they would offload and sell the manufactured goods and take on slaves. The ships would then sail to the Americas where the slaves would be sold and the ships would be filled with goods from the Americas that were in demand in Europe - typically sugar, timber etc. Once back in Europe, the cycle would re-start.|||do your homework|||See the first answer. Isn't History taught in schools anymore?|||Slave ships were cargo ships specially converted for the purpose of transporting slaves, especially newly captured African slaves.

Cargo, sometimes passengers in the beginning, but as slaves became more in demand %26amp; profitable slavers maximized on the space. Whatever cargo they carried was only for the purpose of feeding the ship %26amp; as a "front


What type of heat transfer warms the earth? Convection, conduction or radiation?

Mostly it is radiation from the sun. A little heat is conducted through the crust from the core of the Earth, but not enough to keep the planet livable. Convection in the atmosphere keeps the air mixed and spreads the heat coming from the sun to the night side of the planet.|||There are quite a few, out of the three possibilities you gave most likely convection.

But the radiated heat from the sun also heats the earth.|||radiation

electromagnetic waves radiated from the sun heats up the earth.

Can I transfer my hpv if my girl has got the vacinne for the type I have?

I have genital warts and my girl got the vaccine for hpv which protects against warts and 3 others cab I transfer that to her if we have sex?|||Gardasil protects against the 2 strains of HPV that cause 90% of genital warts. Unless you actually had a biopsy that showed it was one of those 2 strains, you might be able to give it to her. Still, 90% is pretty good protection.

Also, make sure she got Gardasil and not Cervarix. Cervarix does not protect against the warts strains. If she's in the US, she probably received Gardasil. Cervarix was only very recently approved in the US. If she was in the UK or somewhere in Europe, it make have been Cervarix.

In DSL, what type of data transfer over phone and other lines? analog or digital?

1) DSL stands for Digital Subscriber lines then why analog data pass from wires or lines????

2) Is there modem necessary for analog to digital converter in DSL connection?|||Modem means modulation and demodulation. An analog signal in the form of a carrier wave is modulated using the digital signal and send out through the phone line. The incoming analog signal is processed to extract the digital signal from the incoming analog signal. What is really transmitted is an analog signal but it contains the digital signal which needs to be separated before it can be used meaningfully.|||For most home phone connections, the final link to the handset is analog.

The traffic out on the public phone system is digital. The modem makes the conversion. It can be in your home or belong to the carrier... so it's necessary, but that doesn't mean it's in your house.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Is there a magnetic or electrical or some other type of non-physical field that would block heat transfer?

I'm just curious if someone can point me in the direction of research that indicates a non-phyiscal field would have the ability to insulate or block heat from traveling through it. Thanks!|||I don't think it is possible. Even a vacuum allows radiation.

There are really only 4 basic forces, gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear.|||Not as far as I am aware but something which comes almost opposite is magnetohyrodynamics. This is where heat passing through two plates as for example from a chimney can create an electrical field which can in turn create a current and hence power. Do not get 'excited' about solving the world fuel crisis though since the power is low.

Also a magnetic field can increase the temperature of a flame.

How can I transfer data and file between any two computers using "Type A to Type A" USB cable?

I connect my two computers using "Type A to Type A" USB cable, but I don't see anything different...A man said to me that that cable is useless, and that I need a bridged cable...I am confused...Please help me!

Thank you!|||If you go to circuit city or best buy and tell them you need a crossover cable (aka a bridge cable which basically looks like an ethernet cable but it's not a standard ethernet cable) they could point you to what you need. They're pretty cheap usually, about 10 or 15 dollars.

To do it the way you're talking about, you would need to buy some software that's WAY too expensive just for what you're trying to do. Your best bet would be to just go to the store and ask for a crossover cable. Cheaper and alot easier.

Type of heat transfer in melting, warming, boiling of water?

FIRST GOOD ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what the 3 types of heat transfer are, ( convection, conduction, radiation ) but i don't understand which one you associate with each the melting, warming, and boiling of wateR!?? Please explain!|||Melting - conduction because ice is a solid, and heat travels through solids by conduction.

Warming - convection; heat travels through liquids and gases by convection currents.

Boiling - When water boils, the heat is carried into the air by the steam; heat is released into the air as the steam condenses, and when the water falls back to the ground, it re-absorbs that heat to become steam, which again travels up into the air with the heat, producing a convection current. So, you could say that the heat transfer is convection.|||melting involves conduction because the material is solid

warming and boiling involve convection because the substances are liquids or gases

There are many type of internet technologies are there daa transfer but which is the least expensive, Cheap?

Throgh data transfer which is the most ellent in downng and uploding and also the least expensive or cheap???|||FTP is faster than HTTP. FTP doesn't incur the HTTP overhead, and its asynchronous.

What type of chemical bond within a molecule that involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another?

Acomplete transfer of electrons is rare, but if that is indeed the case, then it is an ionic bond.

What are the different type of video card data transfer methods?


What type of CD or DVD should be used to transfer photo's on a computer to a disk?

I've lost photo's before when my computer crashed. I want to protect them this time.|||dsBacking up is everyone's responsibility. I'm sorry you had to go through a tragedy like losing everything to learn that lesson. For me the strategy that works is doing things in 2-3 layers. have multiple external hard drives, preferably one drive per copy of your gallery. depending on the size of your gallery you might have to split it up into two or more drives per copy, though this is unlikely that you have several terabytes of media. the largest commerically available,that i can find, is two terabyte drives. for a thourough explanation of disk sizes please visit it explains what's a kilo- mega- giga tera-byte(s) are. if you are a pro photographer you'll probably use up a terabyte or a 2 terabyte with in a year or two if you keep everything and you use high resolution RAW files. you might have to look into getting more storage than a typical user. if you are a typical user 2 terabytes is probably all you'll ever need period. and probably way beyond what you'd need for pictures. It takes me about a couple 3 years to fill up half a terabyte and i'm a computer nerd! With that said. Bottom line get some Hard drives.

Second tier is Backing up the prized posessions, the master pieces to DVD. CD wasn't really desinged for holding images. DVD as the name Digital Video Disk implies, was designed for video and images. Yes you can backup to CD, especially if it's a small amount that you are giving to a friend or something along those lines or they don't have a dvd reader, if they don't devorce them. :D just kidding! Nothing in this life is permanent. even if you keep your backups in a hermetically sealed vault in an underground bunker that's been fortified and is gaurded against natural disasters and nuclear attack you still have issues with keeping those pictures around. The ectromagnetic signature on tapes lose their charge (backing up to a tape archive is an option), printed photographs fade, hard drives have mechanical parts that fail and can ruin your photos. CDs and DVDs get scrached. The only thing that's going to survive the millenia without any help from human kind are stone carvings. So you have to be diligent about backing up your data.

onto software, you should use the backup tools that come with your operating system. windows has them Mac definatly has timemachine, linux has them. You don't have to spend money to get a backup utility. there's one right on your computer, if you have XP you have to have the orgininal Disk that XP came on but if that's the case time for an upgrade anyway. if you've got a current mac, Use time machine. if you don't like the backup tool on windows you can pay for a different one. most stuff for linux is free... mac has a few other tools for backup available but I think time machine is prettty darn good. I think that's about it. Get all of these, get a couple new hard drives, get DVDs, and possibly a new computer, because your old one crashed... ok. if you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to contact me!|||I think you want to backup your photos on CD or DVD disk, according to my experience, DVD+RW and DVD-RW disk are better choice, because:

1. DVD disk can provide the larger capcity then CD disk, you can write 4.7GB photos on a DVD disk, but a CD disk only 700mb.

2. Both DVD+RW and DVD-RW disk are rewritable, so you can remove or modify the content on DVD+RW and DVD-RW disk, but DVD+R and DVD-R disk only write once.

At last, you need to use a right data dvd burning software, you can use RZ Free DVD Burner, its free and easy to use, it can directly burn any files or folders to any dvd disk for backup, such as directly burn your photos to DVD+RW or DVD-RW disks for backup, you can yahoo or google search RZ Free DVD Burner and download it.

Hope these infos can help you.|||CD-R, DVD-R or DVD+R.

Use a good brand. I recommend Verbatim. Recordable DVDs have a limited lifespan. Verbatim discs are known to last longer. With the cheaper brands can may not be able to read the disc after two years.|||CD-R or DVD-R depending on the size of your photo collection.|||why not buy and external Hard Drive?

if not CD-R or DVD-R will do.

What is the type of thermal energy transfer that takes place in fluids mostly?

Convection. EXAMPLES: If you think about a pot of water that is heated on a stove, the stove burner heats the bottom of the pot by conduction. Water touching the bottom of the pot is also heated by conduction. As this water is heated, it expands and becomes less dense than the cooler, denser water that is above it. The cooler, denser water at the top of the pot sinks and pushes the hot, less dense water upward. As the hot, less dense water rises, its particles come in contact with colder water particles, so it gives up heat energy to the lower temperature water particles with which it collides. That is, it cools by conduction. As it cools it "contracts" and becomes denser, causing it to drop toward the bottom of the pot again, forcing the warmer water below it to rise. This movement causes convection currents. These currents transfer thermal energy from warmer to cooler parts of the liquid.|||convection|||transfer of energy in fluid is known as conduction.

What type of genetic recombination in bacteria involves dna transfer by viruses?

Transduction is a technique that allows geneticists to introduce genes into cells by engineering viruses to include their gene of interest. This work was first used in bacteria because there is such a wide variety of well-characterized bacteriophages (viruses that affect only bacteria). Today adenoviruses, retroviruses and lentiviruses are all used commonly in biomedical research to transduce mammalian cells.

How can I get any type of school transfer letter?

What kind of school transfer letter do you mean? Most schools have official forms they give students who are transferring to take with them to the new school. You just let the principal know you are transferring and the form will be completed. Sometimes they do not give it to the student but forward it by mail.

Is there a way to type my contact info on my keyboard computer and transfer the data into my blackberry?

Is there a way? I dont see that there is a feature like this available on the blackberry desktop software. Or, I missing something? I find it so difficult typing my contact information using the blackberry.|||I don't use a blackberry but it will defo have 'synchronisation' as a feature. My oldest phones can do it, so . . . .

You can fill in the info in contacts etc on either device and then synchronise via bluetooth (or USB, I guess)

What type of a maneuver would you need to perform to transfer from Earth to L5?

An object in L5 would be 60 degrees behind the Earth on the same orbit, traveling at the same speed as Earth.|||What you need to do is slow down and get into a higher orbit so that your period is 1 year and 2 months. You do this by firing your rockets in the same direction as earth's orbit and go into an ellipse. After one orbit you are exactly 60 degrees behind the earth. You then fire your rockets once more and slow down. Your are now at L5.

This is the least fuel to get L5 within a 1year and 2 months. If you had more time, you could save even more energy. If you had to get there fast, I could draw you up an orbit that would get you in place in 8 months, but the cost would be higher. It would be unresonably costly to get there in less than 8 months

Here is a how to drawing.:…


For anyone who doesn't understand orbital mechanics, in my example the earth would travel 1 orbit plus 60 degrees in one year and 2 months while the statellite would only travel 1 orbit. It would therefore be 60 degrees behind the earth and in L5.

There are plenty of other orbits you could plot to accomplish this goal. Your goal is to end up 60 degrees behind the earth. (You do this by changing the thrust and the angular direction the satellite leave earth's gravitational field). Any less than 1 year and two months would take more energy and any more would take less energy. What I plotted was simplist way to understand what needs to be done|||short time but go slower overall. ;-)

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|||By slow down, I meant slowing down your angular rotation rate and increasing your period. Of course you do it, as you point out, by paradoxically increasing your speed to get into a higher orbit. You average speed in the higher orbit is slower than in earth's orbit. So you go faster for a ...

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|||L4 and L5 Lagrangian points are only stable when the largest of the three bodies is at least 24.96 times as massive as the the intermediate body. The sun-earth and earth-moon systems satisfy this condition. The sun's gravitational influence tends to destabilize the L4 and L5 points of the earth-moon system you are asking about smearing them into "volumes of space". As to the exact maneuver depends on where you start and what we are talking about as a vehicle. Check the dude below for from LEO by shuttle orbiter.

If ETs were real ("if" being the operative word), L4 %26amp; L5 would be sweet spots for parking probes for long-term study of the earth.|||does this helps ?…

am not astronomer only a dumb engineerng final year student :(|||You would need to do an ejection burn, in retrograde direction of Earth (also called inbound), with only slightly more eccentricity than one. This puts you safely at the border of Earths gravity field, with a little bit of excess velocity which you have to counter when you reach the L5.

An eccentricity of slightly less than 1 would not be enough - you would fall back to Earth before reaching the Lagrange point.|||Just my thinking on the matter... I've never bothered with the mathematics of it, but... It could be done without sending the object into a retrograde orbit. I'm not familiar with the physics involved mathematically, but an artificial satellite in LEO, if it were to make the proper propulsion adjustments, could still easilly "fall behind" the earth, if it were to orbit the sun (prograde) at a greater distance than 1AU. Once the L5 point "catches up" to this satellite (or very nearly so), a new adjustment in it's trajectory to put it back in the earth's orbit around the sun in the L5 point would be possible.

As the first answerer stated, these points are not stable.

Quick High School Transfer type question?

Yeah, I'm Currently Home-Schooled and about to Go into High School (Regular HS) and the School where my area goes to.....Well Is really bad. Has a High Crime Rate and is Terrible at Education.....So I was wondering there is a School about 7 miles away from where I live....and I was wondering if I could just Enroll there or do I need to get a transfer or what?....I Own a Motorcycle so transportation is taken care of.|||I would go there(ASAP) and ask to speak to the principle about enrollment for the next school year.I would bring both parents and grandma, grandpa,aunts,uncles and your pastor or priest with you.It may be difficult because you live out of the district.You and your family have valid concerns about the quality of education and safety at the other school.By showing a united front with your family you may be able to convince them to let you attend.I am a parent advocate volunteer and I have tried this with about ten families and only two were not accepted to the schools they wanted to attend.|||You could probably just enroll there. They will ask you however for some type of transcript to account for all the past years of you being home-schooled. As long as you have that you should be set. Good Luck|||Talk to the school that you want to go to and find out what they require. Schools I know of have a limited number of out-of-district students that they will allow.|||go to your schoolz office and request for the better schopol ( as long as it is the saem district) if not the smae district, then you can use a relatives address if one lives over where the school is.

Which type of heat transfer causes most of the heating in the troposphere?

There are three types of heat transfer mechanisms:

Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

Of those three, convection causes most heating in the troposphere. The reason behind this is the fact that solar radiation primarily manages to heat the surface of the Earth, not so much the air above it. The surface of the Earth's produces thermals, which rise and heat the air throughout the troposphere.

Is there a type or transfer cable I can use to put files from my computer to my xbox 360 hard drive?

Short answer, you can not.

Microsoft specifically wanted to disallow this ability.

You can use a data CD, an MP3 Player, or a USB driver to access music of video on your XBOX.

Other wise you will have to hack it, impossible or almost so, for some firmware versions.

For data transfer which type of connection is fastest, Firewire (1394a) or USB 2.0?

I am connecting a Seagate FreeAgent XTreme 1.5 TB external hard drive to a PC running Windows 7 64-bit. The PC and drive have both types of ports and the drive came with both cables. The drive will contain mostly media. Any suggestions on which connection type is best?

Thanks in advance,

Cygnus333 (Chris).|||Complete comparison.鈥?/a>

For data transfer from an external drive, firewire is the best option.|||Firewire (1394a) is best used for transfer of large files such as media while USB was designed for quick transfer of small files. And since your drive will contain mostly media, I will recommend using the Firewire connection to maximize the data transfer speed of the hard drive.|||I would use firewire as it is a faster connection

How do I transfer 35mm and other type slides to CD and DVD?

Generally, the best way to do this is to scan the 35mm negatives and slides into a digital format, like jpeg or tiff.

This scanning can be accomplished via a dedicated film scanner, like the Nikon Coolscan line, or via flatbed scanners which have film/slide adapters, such as Epson Perfection scanners.

If you have a digital SLR, there are also slide duplicators which accept a slide, and you simply digitally photograph the slide as the SLR/duplicator is held against a good light source to illuminate the slide.

Once in a digital file format, you could then burn them to CD or DVD just like any other digital file.

Another, more expensive alternative would be to find a service bureau to do the work. It is more expensive, but would require less of an investment of your time.

Is there a universal type fix for a transfer case?

i have a big gunk missing from transfer case , i was told that i should not drive it at all with out liquid, i was wondering is there some sort of patch or skid plate? quik fix, so that my transfer case will hold liquid with out having to replace whole casing? any tricks? i can patch the large hole with? i dont want to have to replace whole case|||the universal fix is to replace it. |||depending on the size of the whole, you could try it on a small hole but you mentioned a large hole so i do not think so. you could have the thing rebuilt and replace that part of the case.

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What type heat transfer causes circulation of air in the atmosphere?

Convection currents.

What type of converter should i buy to transfer vhs to dvd for editing?

Please only suggest if you have actually used one %26amp; tell me your experiences. I've already googled, best buyed, circuit citied, etc. I want personal testimony ONLY PLEASE. Thanks!|||i have used the dvd express by ads, they have a new one dvdexpress2. works fair, I could not get a direct burn from vhs to dvd. I was able to burn to file on computer, edit on the pc using either their software or pinnacle studio 9 and the burn to dvd. Fairly lengthy process, don't know if their new product works with a direct burn to cd any better than before, but would certainly hope so.|||In short, what you need is an analog capture card to convert/load/digitize your VHS (analog video) to the computer for editing and DVD mastering.

For more detailed explanations go to :

Good luck and have fun.

What type of disc do I need to transfer my game installer into?

Like PC games. They install the game. Kinda hard to describe.|||CD-Recordable or CD-Rewritable may do.

Why do I get symbols on a paper I type using a flash drive when I transfer it to another computer?

I type a paper using a flash drive on my notebook and then I transfer it to another computer and I get a bunch of symbols. The same thing happens when I use a CD-R|||1st thing is to be sure that you are using the same program to open your paper as you did to write it (if you used word, open with word etc..)

next, be sure that the computer you are transferring to has the font that you used while making your paper.

If a computer doesn't have the font it will respond with the hieroglyphics you are seeing.|||I used to have the same problem. Apparently, the two computers have different encodings. That means that what one computer thinks is an "R", the other computer might think is something like "%". Try saving your stuff as text only. That normally works for me. If not, you might have to do a find %26amp; replace for all the symbols.|||are you sure you stopped the device first before unpluging it ? its possible that you have a corrupt file.|||First off, type the text you want in either notepad or word and send it to a "zip file before transferring it" to your flash drive. There may be differences in the settings between the two PC's. Make sure that the file is being typed and opened with the same program, whether it is notepad or word or some other word processing program.

Always compress it to a zip file before transfer.

**Dont try to type anything directly to text into the flash drive folder. That wont work. It must be saved first**

Just plug your USB flash drive into the USB port of your computer or other USB-equipped device and drag the files you want to take with you into the folder that appears on your screen. Your files are instantly transferred to your USB flash drive. To transfer the items on your USB flash drive onto another computer, simply plug your USB flash drive into the computer that you want the files transferred to, open the folder that appears on your screen, and drag the desired files onto the computer's desktop.

What file type must a video be, to transfer it onto a memorex disk?

I want to put a movie onto a 120 min dvd memores disk,

but every time i try, it says that its ether not valid,or corrupt.

any help would be greatt!!=)

thankss|||Well, it could be a .avi or .mpeg4 video format need to put the movie on the memorex disc

What type of vehicle does Carnival use for their airport transfer service?

I am taking a cruise next year and was just curious. Will they take us to the pier from the airport in a normal car, or will it be a bus with a group of Carnival passengers?|||Cruise companies usually use vans or busses, which are clean and comfortable. However, when I flew into Miami last March, I was apparently the only person with a transfer to Ft. Lauderdale for quite a while, so they sent me in a Lincoln Continental! I was very surprised and very pleased.|||Full size bus, like the ones Greyhound use. Be sure to wear a light jacket as they air condition the crap out of them. You don't want to spend your cruise with a cold.|||Normally it will be a van or a bus.|||Bus

What type of heat transfer is involved in water heating in a pot on an electric stove?

PHYSICS|||conduction|||thermal?|||鈥?/a>|||Thermal Conduction.

What type of degree is required to transfer to med school...?

To be an anesthesiologist.

I talked to someone at my college, but she just started and didn't seem to know much. She said I needed to become an RN then get my masters in it, then transfer to med school, but I had a previous advisor tell me that I needed an associates in science degree to transfer to a four year school, then get my masters in science, then go to med school for anesthesiology. Thanks!|||Any 4 year college degree (bachelor) would suffice, as long as you have completed the medical school prerequisites. 1 year of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, english, and calculus. Few require half year of microbiology and/or physiology. You do not need to become a RN to enter medical school, nor do you need to obtain an associates or master's degree, just a bachelor degree.

After you completed your prerequisites which typically takes 2 years to accomplish, you take the MCAT which is somewhat like the SAT you took for college except much harder. Upon your late junior to senior year, you apply to enter medical school. It is recommended that applicants achieve at least 3.6 overall GPA or higher, and 30 MCAT or higher for a good chance of acceptance.|||You don't 'transfer' to medical school. College to medical school is like high school to college. You finish one, then you start at the other. Transfer means you already started.

You need a 4-year college degree to apply to medical school. You also need a high (3.5 or higher) GPA and high MCAT scores. To pass the MCATs, you need to take multiple biology, chemistry, and physics classes. Your academic adviser should be able to tell you which classes are necessary for pre-med. No, you don't need a nursing degree. Or a masters.|||you need a BS usually in Biology or Biochemistry from there you would take the MCAT's and then apply to med school you cannot transfer to med school........its kinda like graduating from high school , taking the ACT/SAT and then applying for college......... But i dont think you need to go to med school to be an anesthesiologist i think you can do a specialized program it depends on the college so look into that aswell|||As some of the others have already told you, you'll need a BS degree in biology -- you don't need a masters, and you certainly don't have to have a BSN -- it's an entirely different profession. An anesthesiologist is an MD so then you must APPLY to medical school. They look at grades, and many other things as well. You'll have an interview and they'll ask what languages you speak, awards received, places traveled, instruments played, sports played, organizations you held office in -- all sorts of things to find out more about you as a person. Then they decide if they want to accept you or not. Students apply to several schools because you usually get rejection letters from some. It's a long, hard experience, but well worth it if you really want it. Good luck.|||I'd think you'd need a bachelors degree.

Which type of bank transfer is reversible ?

I wanna buy an used car from

the seller said i have to send money to his bank account before shipping (14 day shipping take)

for safety i wanna know that which type of bank transfer is 100% secure and if he was scamer i can reverse my full transfer...

*i have a checking account|||Bank transfers are not reversible.

Don't buy a car this way. It sounds like a scam. Once they've got your money, they'll disappear and you won't see or hear of them again. Ever. And you won't get your money back.

Which is not considered a type of metal transfer for GMAW .?

which is not considered a type of metal transfer for GMAW .??? short circuit. spray. globular. droplet. or pulsed arc?|||Droplet is not considered a type of metal transfer for GMAW.鈥?/a>

What type of book keeping account would I create for personal funds transfer, non wages?

The money was a loan to me from my Father. I then used some of the funds for business and transferred the rest into my personal account to pay bills . I need to create an account for quickbooks that will recognize this disbursement as non payroll or transfer.|||Typically, money taken out of the business for use by the owners of the company go to an account called Owner's Draw (Equity).

What type of heat transfer is this?

What type of heat transfer is responsible for making u feel cold when u are swimming in a pool that is cold throughout?|||conduction.

.|||Both conduction and convection.

I think my laptop may have crashed. Is there anyway to transfer all the files onto some type of storage device?

Or is everything gone ?|||Nothing is evergone.

power it of completely restart it. if it doesnt work then....below

are you using vista? if so best fix is to do a system restore from boot disk if you have one if that doesn't work. do a system recovery. your files may not be lost when it crashed. So after that Sys recovery, everything is save into something called windows.old in the local disk(c:) area. the recovered backup only works in vista so i hope you have it.

if you have xp, safe to spend some cash on professionals if you have very important files on it. Visit your local electronic store and ask if they they can help or if they can point you to other sources. good luck

remember to always back up your files on external storages, CDs, flash drives or external hardrives. i save the same files on all of them just in case.|||some times repairing windows is possible , that will solve some operating system issues and it will rebuild the system and you will not loose your data . ( need more information about your os to guide you to the repairing process by using your os cd )

other way is to take out the hard disk out of the laptop and connect it to other pc ( you need external hd case , it comes with usb cable ) then after logging into windows try to access the external hd from my computer icon on desktop then back up your files to where you want either by using the simple copy and paste or by using windows backup utility in control panel or the system tool in accessories .|||If you can salvage the harddisk and see if you can get the files from it somehow, then you can get everything back. but if the harddisk crashed then you're pretty much hosed.

What type of heat transfer is solar energy?

solar energy from sun to earth has two radiation forms :

Beam radiation : direct sun radiation from sun with out scattering.

Diffused radiation :diffused or scattered radiation due to various factors , such as moisture , ozone layer ,gases in atmosphere,etc|||Radiation, as there are no particles between the sun and the Earth (space is a vacuum)

Homework help: What type of bonding requires the complete transfer of an electron from an atom to another?

What type of bonding involves the sharing of electrons between atoms?|||Transfer of electrons is ionic bonding, sharing of electrons is covalent bonding.|||covalent bonding|||Sharing elctrons is covalent bonding. Transfer of an electron is ionic bonding.

What type of firewire do i need to transfer my music from my macbook to my macbook pro?

i have the regular macbook that i got in 2008 and now i have a macbook pro. i've never purchased a firewire and want to buy the correct one.|||Likely a Firewire 400 to Firewire 800 cable if that's a new Macbook Pro.

And since when are Firewire cables expensive? You can get them less than $10 shipped online. Also, Firewire = very, very easy migration of her entire setup from the old to the new. Music, movies, data, applications, settings, the works.|||You don't really need an expensive firewire cable to transfer your music from one mac to another.

Depending on how much music you have, you can simply use a large enough USB flash drive or an external hard drive to transfer the music files over.

Another method is to simply back up all your music to CDs or DVDs and then copy them back to the new Mac. This method provides you with a physical back up of your music in case something happens in the process.

If both Macs are on the same network, you can simply 'share' the folder and access them from the new mac. If you don't have them on the network, you can also use a very cheap method of connecting the 2 macs together via ethernet cable and transfer the files across without the intermediate USB flash drive or CD/DVD. Check this neat website:鈥?/a>

Good luck and I hope this helps.

What type of cord do I need to transfer a movie from my computer screen to my tv?

I have downloaded movies and would like to watch them on my tv. How do I do this?|||You need something that connects to one of the outputs from your graphics card (what that is depends on what outputs your card hard) and connects to one of the inputs for your TV (which depends on what inputs your TV has).

Without knowing what those inputs and outputs are, its rather difficult to say.

How much can a taxi cost from La Guardia Airport to St. Pathrick's Cathedral?? Any better type of transfer?

Hi, I'm arriving from Chicago to La Guardia Airport and would like to know how much would a taxi cost from there to the New York Palace hotel that is located right in front of St.Pathrick's Cathedral. I've been also told about Super Shuttle, is this good? THANKS!|||Taxi will probably be $25 or so depending on traffic, plus tip.

SuperShuttle fare would be $13 and will take you right to the hotel. You can get the details from their website:

Just select "From airport," "New York LaGuardia," and type in the name of the hotel when prompted. I checked, and they have it in their database.

While SuperShuttle runs without a regular schedule (they'll leave when there's enough people), there's also the New York Airport Service, which runs shuttle buses on a schedule to certain locations. The closest for your would be Grand Central Terminal; from there you could either walk about 10 blocks up Madison Avenue, take the regular M1 bus which runs uptown on that street, or just flag down a cab.鈥?/a>|||If you have no Luggage, or you can carry it, take Q33 to jackson heights, from there take 5th Avenue and walk 2 Blocks.|||The cab fare from LGA to the New York Palace hotel will cost you roughly $30. However, I would recommend having at least $40 just in case.

In regards to the Super Shuttle, I would avoid it like the plague. Their service is terrible and expensive. If you don't believe me, check out the link below.鈥?/a>

My recommendation will be taking the New York Airport Service, which is an airport express bus, from LGA to Grand Central. The one way fare is a little cheaper at $12.

Once at Grand Central, you can catch a cab from there to the NY Palace hotel. The one way fare will be roughly about $6 to $8.

Good luck

How to transfer my typed essay from a mac to my windows computer?

Im planning to buy a macbook pro and i was thinking how i might be able to transfer my homework that i will type on my mac to my windows desktop downstairs? The reason i need to transfer the document is because the printer is located downstairs and i will be doing my homework in my room.|||Try setting your Windows-connected printer to Shared.

Email it to yourself.

You really should buy the Mac though, and in a hurry. You're obviously not intelligent enough to be using Windows anymore.|||The same way you would do it between a PC and a PC.

Are they on the same network? You could share the folder.

Do you have a flash drive? Use that to transfer (or if not they are really cheap, go get one).|||How about attach it to an email %26amp; then open it on the other machine?

Or how bout copying it to a flash drive, floppy disk or CD?|||It couldn't be any easier. By the way, I have a macbook Pro and I absolutely love it, you won't regret buying it. For around $60, you can buy iWork 09 for mac. When you go to save the document, you can save it to mac, or windows format or both if you would like then send it by email. Even what makes it easier is if your printer is attached to the pc downstairs, with the mac, there is something called AppleTalk which you can use to print wirelessly to the printer. What will happen is you will click on print, with apple talk, it will tell your pc to print and there it goes, out of the printer. Hope this helps!

What type of military mos do you need to transfer after tour in to swat?

What military mos is best for try to join swat after tour? Also what branch and mos also why?|||military specialty means nothing. you still have to be accepted into the Police academy and be selected for additional training afterward. in fact do NOT assume that any version of MP/MA will be useful in scoring a job as a police officer. it WILL NOT.

all military service does is grant you veteran's preference points on an application for a government job.|||Any military job will be fine. You will have to get out, take a civil service exam, be hired by a police department, attend the police academy, work for several years on the police force, then when an opening comes up apply for and try out for the SWAT team. SWAT has nothing to do with warfare. It is police work. They train you in everything you need to know

What type of paper is used to transfer a digital picture unto a fabric, i.e t-shirt?

they say u need a type of paper to print your design/picture unto then iron it unto the fabric.....

does anyone know the name of the type of paper and erm how much it costs and were to buy it from.

also can u use any regular iron or not?

im in UK btw.

best answer gets 2morro.x|||HP do 'transfer paper', I use it without any problem, just ask where you get your stationary.

DO NOT forget to reverse the image before print onto it, otherwise it will be back to front

good luck, feel free to contact me should you need further assistance|||Here's in the U.S. I go to the craft store. The actually sell paper that you can print out your picture on and then iron it right onto your clothes. I do it alot, it doesnt say what kind of paper it is though. But usually craft stores supply it. :) Its always located where appliques and embroideries are. Hope I helped some what.|||You can buy transfer sheets at any craft shop and definitely wherever quilting fabrics and accessories are sold. It's not very expensive, sorry I'm in Australia and can't give you the UK price. Use any iron, but not on steam, it must be a dry iron. I always lay a pressing cloth under the fabric you want to print on, or if you don't have one, use a couple of layers of baking paper to protect your ironing board cover. Just remember your design will be in reverse, though when you buy transfer sheets there should be instructions with them. Lay your fabric on top of the cloth or baking paper, making sure it is completely smooth, then your printed transfer, then a clean cloth over the top of that. It is essential that all stay smooth or you will wreck your design.

Have fun.|||Almost any stationers will sell the paper for this. You buy it in a pack. You use any standard colour printer. Reverse the image before printing. Word will do this. then you iron it onto the fabric

It is easy as long as you take care

What items or activities involve a transfer of energy from one type to another?

Automobiles - chem to mech

Light bulbs - electicity to heat and light




plant growth

animal movement

ozone formation



atomic spectra

nuke power

wind power

solar power

fiber optics

geothermal power





all of chemistry and probably most of physics|||1. steam used to operate a generator

2. a stream used to turn a mill wheel

3. you eating food to produce energy to walk


What type of admission factors matter for a transfer student?

Well I will be getting my A.A. from a florida college and supposely we are guaranteed admission in state universities but I wonder if schools also use factors such a volunteer work and extracurricular activities in order to get in. I am really not involved in anything. Has anyone gotten in with an A.A w/o having extra things and just have your admission be based on academics and/or just the fact you got an A.A?|||Advantages of Completing Your AA Degree

Research has shown that students transferring with an Associate in Arts (AA) degree from a community college increase their chances of completing a four-year Bachelor's degree with a higher grade point average. The State of Florida through the Statewide Articulation Agreement (State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024) assures that students who graduate from Florida community colleges with an AA degree are guaranteed certain rights:

Admission to one of the eleven Florida State Universities, except to limited access programs*.

Acceptance of at least 60 semester hours by the state universities.

No additional General Education Core requirements.

Transfer of equivalent courses under the Statewide Course Numbering System.

Acceptance of credits earned in accelerated programs (e.g., CLEP, AP, Dual Enrollment, Early Admission, International Baccalaureate, and AICE).

With the AA degree, only the most recent final grades in repeated courses will be used in computing the GPA. Without the AA degree, no forgiveness is honored and all attempted credits are averaged into your GPA for admission purposes.

Equal opportunity with native university students to enter limited access programs.

Advance knowledge of selection criteria for limited access programs.

Adherence to the university requirements and policies, based on the catalog in effect at the time the student first enters a community college, provided the student maintains continuous enrollment.

Should any guarantee be denied, students have the right to appeal (see The Appeals Process section of the Transfer Handbook). Each state university and community college shall make available established appeal procedures through the respective articulation officers.

*Limited access is the designation given to programs that require additional admission requirements, which are more selective than general admission requirements. These additional admission requirements may include the following: increased total GPA and test scores; additional courses and prerequisites; and auditions or portfolios. In such programs, selection for admission is competitive. The selection and enrollment criteria for limited access programs have been established and are published in the institutions' catalogs, counseling manuals, and other appropriate publications, Community College AA transfer.

State University System of Florida

The State University System (SUS) of Florida is composed of eleven public universities. Ten of them offer Baccalaureate and selected graduate degrees. New College of Florida, the eleventh and newest university, is an honors college that offers a Bachelor's of Arts degree with concentration in a variety of discipline areas. Information on the majors offered by each of the individual universities is available directly from their admissions offices. For additional transfer information, click here.

Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida

Florida's Communities Colleges have an articulation with the Independent colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF). The agreement guarantees the community college AA degree students will enter as juniors, receive at least 60 credit hours toward their Bachelor's degree, and receive recognition for the General Educational Core taken at the community college. For more information visit

I completed my AA at MDC and transfrered to FIU very fast. Regular new students take 4 to 6 weeks to get in, but they accepted me in jsut two.|||Public University ussally see your GPA only, because there is not too much completition.

Which type of bank transfer is reversible ?

I wanna buy an used car from

the seller said i have to send money to his bank account before shipping (14 day shipping take)

for safety i wanna know that which type of bank transfer is 100% secure and if he was scamer i can reverse my full transfer...

*i have a checking account|||Seriously, don't be an idiot.

All offers to ship cars are 100% fraudulent.

Don't you have ANY common sense?|||Why would you do that? Have you gone to see the car? Do you have 100% proof that the car even exists and that the person actually owns it? NEVER do such a transaction.

If you are in a different state, hire someone to represent you in the other state. Personally it would be worth the drive or the flight to where the car is located just to be sure you are not being scammed.

You cannot reverse a bank transfer. Bad idea, bad idea. Bells and alarms should be going off in your head.|||Ain't no such thing. Once your money is deposited in his account, it's his and you can't get it back. NEVER buy a car that you haven't seen or had a chance to inspect and drive. If the seller is offering to ship the car to you, then 99 times out of 100 it's a fraud.|||From past experience in buying things online, the only way you're covered is when using something such as PayPal.

A bank transfer (ie, electronic funds transfer) cannot be reversed.|||Do it.

I think stupid people should be scammed cause that's the only way you fools will ever learn a valuable lesson.

What type of hard drive is best (Fastest transfer, seek rate, etc) interface: SATA I or II; SCSI; etc-and WHY?

Looking to see what type of hard drive has the fastest transfer rate for new computer, thanks for your tips|||SCSI stands for "Small Computer System Interface", and is a standard interface and command set for transferring data between devices on both internal and external computer buses.

SCSI LogoSCSI is most commonly used for hard disks and tape storage devices, but also connects a wide range of other devices, including scanners, printers, CD-ROM drives, CD recorders, and DVD drives. In fact, the entire SCSI standard promotes device independence, which means that theoretically SCSI can be used with any type of computer hardware.

Since its standardization in 1986, SCSI has been commonly used in the Apple Macintosh and Sun Microsystems computer lines. It has never been popular in the IBM PC world, due to the lower cost and adequate performance of its ATA hard disk standard. The introduction of USB, FireWire, and ATAPI made SCSI a relatively unattractive proposition on PC due to its high cost and rising complexity.

At this time, SCSI is popular on high-performance workstations, servers, and high-end peripherals; and RAID arrays on servers almost always use SCSI hard disks. Desktop computers and notebooks more typically use the ATA/IDE or the newer SATA interfaces for hard disks, and USB or FireWire connections for external devices

Terms Bus Speed ( MB/sec)

SCSI-1 5

SCSI-2 10

SCSI-3 20

SCSI-3 20

SCSI-3 20

SCSI-3 UW 40

SCSI-3 UW 40

SCSI-3 UW 40

SCSI-3 U2 40

SCSI-3 U2 80

SCSI-3 U2W 80

SCSI-3 U2W 80

SCSI-3 U3 160

In addition, the fastest hard drives in the world use the SCSI interface. Best known are the Seagate Cheetahs, but IBM also offers SCSI drives at 10,000 rpm.

Serial ATA or SATA is the newest version of the ATA interface. SATA claims to support all the traditional ATA functions but does it over an interface cable with only 7 wires (instead of the normal 40 wires for traditional parallel ATA interfaces). SATA also claims it will be faster but the history of serial interfaces indicates you must be careful when reading such speed claims.

Discussing SATA is difficult because: a) SATA was created by a "secret society" that prohibits members from talking outside of their meetings, b) current SATA documents are available only to the members of the "secret society", c) by the time a SATA document is made public it is basically obsolete and has been replaced by a new but secret SATA document, d) the SATA "secret society" is working with the Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) committee(s) to also replace SCSI, e) the SATA documents that are public may be or will be re-published (probably with some changes?) by the T10 and T13 standards committees. All of this makes SATA a very confusing mess!SATA uses a 7 wire interface. Three of the wires are ground signals. The other 4 are two pairs of differential signals - one pair in each direction. SATA is using the transceiver technology used by Fiber (Fibre) Channel. Today's hardware runs at 1.5GHz and should be at 3GHz soon. ATA commands, status and data are transmitted in packets on this interface. This is done such that the traditional ATA command protocols are basically unchanged (more about this below).

How fast is SATA? Well... There are claims that it can transfer data up to 150Mbytes/second. Remember this is a burst data rate, not an average data rate. Parallel ATA using UltraDMA mode 6 (UltraDMA 133) claims it can transfer data up to 133Mbytes/second. Again this is a burst data rate and not an average data rate. Average data rates are probably less than 1/2 of these numbers, perhaps even as low as 1/3. Yes, SATA is in theory "faster" - but not by much.

SATA-1+ and SATA-2 (neither are part of ATA/ATAPI-7 at this time) include new data transfer and tagged command queuing schemes. It is unclear if these things will ever appear in future ATA/ATAPI-x standards. They may only appear in the SATA-2/SAS documents.

SATA supports a single device per SATA cable. A SATA cable can be longer than a parallel ATA cable (limited to 1.5 feet), perhaps up to 2 or 3 feet long.

Soon after completing the SATA-1 specification the SATA "secret society" continues working and have joined forces with the Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) sub-committee of T10 to merge SATA and SAS. The result so far is yet another version of SATA known as SATA-2. The end result is unclear. There are lots of poeple that would like to replace SCSI - remember 1394 was going to replace SCSI. It is fun to read some of the marketing hype: SATA and SAS have joined forces to "create the I/O interface that will solve every problem every known to exist in I/O interfaces". When have we heard this before?

Only time and questionable marketing practices will determine the outcome of this... Until the answer is known you should keep an eye on these two web sites:

How do I transfer the phone address book to the SIM card on a Nokia 3120b type RH-50?

I have tried to transfer phone numbers (stored on the phone) to a new SIM card. But I am prompted with, "Phone Memory Protected" then a security code is requested. I have never applied a security code to the phone memory. How do I work around this issue?|||Don't worry its simple.

Try it once more,

When they ask for the security code give " 12345 "

It will accept if you doesn't give another.

How do I transfer my win media player songs into mp3 type?

I recently recorded my own independant cd and burned my master copy onto my computer. Now I want to put them on my myspace but need them to be in mp3 format. How do I do that? Can it be done easily and for free?|||Put the win files on a cd and then import them into itunes

Or, put the files on a flash drive and import them into itunes using the "import file into library" option in the "file" tab

Itunes automatically changes songs in win format into mp3 format. It creates an mp3 file for each song in the library, which you can then locate by going into your itunes music folder on your computers hard drive.|||If you have Itunes - If you drag those files onto it, they automatically convert them.

Otherwise, there's a good conversion website

Simply upload your song, choose to convert it to .mp3 and then enter your email. Tada, the song is sent, converted to your email for you to download.

It can convert other files too. Good luck with your music

What type of degree is required to transfer to med school...?

To be an anesthesiologist.

I talked to someone at my college, but she just started and didn't seem to know much. She said I needed to become an RN then get my masters in it, then transfer to med school, but I had a previous advisor tell me that I needed an associates in science degree to transfer to a four year school, then get my masters in science, then go to med school for anesthesiology. Thanks!|||The only way to transfer into med school is to do so from another med school.

You need to get a bachelor's degree first, and then be accepted into med school. Specialization does not happen until residency, which is after you finish medical school.

There is no need to get a master's degree, unless you want to. Nursing is OK as a major, but does not give you any advantage over any other major.|||I believe you need a bachelor's degree (4 years). It can be in anything as long as you meet the science requirements for the med schools you want to apply to. Being an RN and getting a masters is by no means necessary!!!! Chemistry (inorganic and organic), intro biology, and several other core science classes are required for most med schools. Hope that helps! Here is a website that should give you a good start in your search for information:|||All the med students I have ever known have gotten a BS in Biology first, then applied to med school

Thursday, December 8, 2011

How would you balance the following equations? Then classify if it is an electron-transfer or exchange type.?

1) Mg (s)+ O2 (g) --%26gt; ____ (s)

2) Na2CO3 (s) + ___ (aq) --%26gt; NaCl(aq) + H2O (l) + ____ (g)

3) ___ (aq) + ____ (aq) --%26gt; ZnS (s) + NaCl (aq)|||2 Mg + O2 = 2 MgO

Na2CO3 + 2 HCl = 2 NaCl + H2O + CO2

Na2S + ZnCl2 = 2 NaCl + ZnS

only the first is an electron-transfer reaction

Polls and surveys: Who did you last communicate with and what type of energy did they transfer on to you?


I will start by saying:

I spoke to my friend on the phone and the energy she transferred on to me was anxiety as she currently is worried and stressed.

I THANK THOSE WHO RESPOND TO THIS QUESTION. ;-)|||My mom and sister, positive

I am a snowbird type and would like to transfer my state domicile from CT to Florida. How to do it? ?

I spend about 6 months in each state but am increasing time in Florida. I own property in Conn. and she owns property in FL. |||Use her address and get a FL drivers license.

What type of heat transfer does a refrigerator use?

pretty much all up there ^|||The fan draws air through the evaporator fins where it is cooled by conduction and circulated through the cabinet by forced convection to cool the food. That heat from the food is transferred into the refrigerant through the tube walls from the fins by conduction. That heat plus the heat of compression is rejected by conduction through condenser tubes and fins into the room and is carried away by natural convection. There is a small amount of radiant heat rejection by the hot condenser. Defrost water in an ubderneath pan is heated by conduction from part of the condenser heat and evaporates into the room.|||If you are talking about modes of heat transfer, it is primarily convection.

Convection, because the refrigerant is pumped through the evaporator and condenser piping. On the opposite side, air either rejects heat (evaporator), or absorbs heat (condenser).

IF the pipes are impossibly thin, only convection heat transfer occurs. But since real pipes are used, conduction is an extra layer of thermal resistance in the heat exchanger. We try to use conductive materials for piping, such as copper, such that the pipes have as little thermal resistance as possible.|||it uses liquid coolant running through the sides and absorbing heat as it goes. The heat is released at the bottom and is being continuously pumped through. That is why it is always hot underneath your refrigerator.

Is their an easy way to transfer codes online to an Acton replay without having to type in the whole thing?

I hate typing in ridiculously long codes that take me hours (not an over statement at all!) to type into my action replay! Ive been told their is a simpler way to do so but i don't know how. can anyone help me?|||copy and paste.....

What is the type of energy transfer in contact metamorphism?

convection, conduction or radiation|||To have a convectional heat transfer, a liquid /gaseous state is necessary. Metamorphism is essentially a change in SOLID State. So there cannot be any Convection.

Energy transfer through Radiation occurs when the two objects (the one losing heat and the one gaining) are not in contact, with or without any medium in between them. In contact metamorphism, the country rocks are in direct contact with magma or lava or some other heat source and hence the energy transfer cannot be through radiation.

Conduction is the way of energy transfer, when two objects are in contact. |||Contact Metamorphism occurs when rocks are heated by very hot materials, such as magma, lava or cooling plutonic bodies. The degree of metamorphism is greatest near the hot material, decreasing away from that material..^_^ |||Conduction.

There may be some minor radiation, as some minerals do let infrared light pass through them

What type of bonding involves the transfer of electrons between atoms?


What type of heat transfer occurs in the earth's interior?

inner core solid iron/nickel 5100-6378 km - conduction heat transfer.

outer core liquid iron/nickel 2890-5100 km - conduction and convection heat transfer

solid mantle rock 35 - 2890 km - conduction heat transfer and the temp change is 0.0003 kelvin per meter (not too good)

solid crust 0- 35 km - conduction heat transfer and the temp change is 0.01 kelvin per meter|||convection is how heat transfers from the Core through the Mantle to the Crust|||convection|||In the solid core by conduction.

In the liquid core by convection.

In the lower mantle heat is transferred by convection, but in the higher mantle where it becomes plastic, and through the crust, by conduction.

I have the ENV2 cell phone and i got a memory card but I got a new phone (same type) how do I transfer pics?

I have the ENV2 and its not working but i got a new phone (the same kind ENV2). I got a memory card and put it in the old phone and then in the new one. There is 2 memory cards. One for the phone and one for the computer. Whats the bigger one for and why wont it transfer my pics to my new phone?|||this reader takes both sized cards:鈥?/a>

it's exactly what you need.|||

A very informative website, kindly stay a minute in website and check

What type of heat transfer is found in an electric geyser?

99% conduction from the element in the water. 1% convection from the small vapor bubbles emitted at the surface of the element from surface irregularities not heating the water uniformly and the growth of some small vapor bubbles at the element.

Convection transfers heat at 1/100 th the effciency of the direct conduction route. (Think of it like this...blow some 50 degree air across your skin versus throwing a glass of 50 degree water across the same skin. Water cooling -conduction- is immediate and intense. Convection of 50 degree air across skin is not uncomfortable at all|||Electrical energy heats the wire.

Conduction and film boiling (convection) occurs, vaporizing the water.|||Well!!!

Conduction as well as convection

Is it possible to transfer particular type of data from a coloumn to a particulars cell ?

In a sheet in coloumn A there are 4 names - x,y,z,x. There are 3 another sheet assigned to the above there names i.e. X,Y,Z. How to transfer the two details of X to the sheet assined to its name ?|||Split the four names in column A to columns B, C, D, and E. You can do this by using the string functions to pull the data out between the commas. Place them into the appropriate columns so that x1 goes into B, y into C, z into D, and x2 into E.

You will need four sheets named input, X, Y, and Z. From input, copy and paste columns B and E into the appropriate columns in Sheet X. You can do it with formulas too.

What type of courses should I take so I can transfer to FIDM?

Right now I'm attending community college but I really want to transfer to Fashion Institute of Design %26amp; Merchandising in the next year or so. I would transfer right away but my gpa is less than stellar and financially would be difficult, so I figure it's best to stay at here and bring up my grades. So what I really want to know is what kind of courses should I take to help me prepare for FIDM's Beauty Industry Merchandising %26amp; Marketing program?|||Financially is one thing. If that's why you're at cc first, then that's fine. But grade-wise? Grade-wise, don't worry about it. FIDM is open admissions. You apply, complete what they ask you to complete, and 99 times out of 100, you're in.

As for saving money - even with that, be cautious. Because FIDM is a specialty school (fashion specific), it's possible that some of the classes you take at cc won't transfer to FIDM. Your courses have to correspond exactly with those at FIDM. You can see a list of the classes they require for your major here. Your job is to pick classes at your cc that correspond to those required by FIDM. Otherwise, they won't transfer:鈥?/a>

Some of those classes are going to be available at your cc. Things like the college level math, survey of western art, English comp, etc. To be sure that the classes you take are an exact match for those at FIDM, click on the course number on the FIDM website, and compare their description to the description for the class you'll be taking.

What type of book keeping account would I create for personal funds transfer, non wages?

I transferred a large sum of money into my business account. The money was a loan to me from my Father. I then used some of the funds for business and transferred the rest into my personal account to pay bills . I need to create an account for quickbooks that will recognize this disbursement as non payroll or transfer.|||Dear t: Loan? Do you have a loan document signed? If not the IRS may consider the money a gift.

Just code the disbursement so you can recognize the payout. Mixing business $ and personal $ is not a good business practice.

This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you provided. Click on my profile to read more. Errol Quinn Enrolled Agent|||ATTENTION

I am Mr Mike Morgan(C.E.O) I am a legitimate loan lender, we give loans to serious minded individuals. We give loans to 3% interest, let's at least 鈧?5,000.000.00 and a maximum of $ 120,000,000.00 as loans Itching secure financing for this project of your dreams? Have a viable business but lack the funding necessary to get the discount of the feet? Do you have ideas which worth millions but you lack the capital necessary to test your idea? Have you been rejected by other lenders? You have the desire for a house but you lack enough money to buy it? Do you want your dream car now and yet you can not, just for your financial situation? Company is the provision of microcredit are an opportunity to update his dream. If you are interested in obtaining a loan, please contact us Today via......ATTENTION.

I am Mr Mike Morgan(C.E.O) I am a legitimate loan lender, we give loans to serious minded individuals. We give loans to 3% interest, let's at least 鈧?5,000.000.00 and a maximum of $ 120,000,000.00 as loans Itching secure financing for this project of your dreams? Have a viable business but lack the funding necessary to get the discount of the feet? Do you have ideas which worth millions but you lack the capital necessary to test your idea? Have you been rejected by other lenders? You have the desire for a house but you lack enough money to buy it? Do you want your dream car now and yet you can not, just for your financial situation? Company is the provision of micro credit are an opportunity to update his dream. If you are interested in obtaining a loan, please contact us Today......privatemail.morganlender08@gm鈥?for further information

What type of heat transfer does a spiral over heat spinning show?

it shows covection

the spiral spinning means that air is rushing past it, and convection is the concept of a fluid rising from the heat causing the cooler air to rush down to be cooled, so the spinning means the air is moving, and thus, convection.|||a fast one

How can I transfer MS Outlook from a tower-type hard drive/CPU to a laptop?

I have a Dell tower unit. The monitor, keyboard, etc have all been disposed of, but I do still have the tower and the hard drive. I'd like to access the the Outlook file and transfer it to a Sony Vaio laptop. How could I do this? I've tried to access via a USB connection, but I can find the right coupling attachments. Anyone have a suggestion?|||See you are trying to get your outlook data without monitor on desktop PC. Please find monitor, keyboard and mouse for that and you can copy outlook express / microsoft outlook whatever you would like to copy or access. If you do not have all those stuff then take your hard drive to a shop where PC repair or workshop. They will copy all your data and put it into your laptop. This is what I can suggest you.

What is the type of energy transfer for ground, sensible and latent heat flux density?

Mostly sensible heat flux. The kind which obeys the differential conduction equation, since as an object absorbs heat, its temperature increases by a proportional amount.

Latent heat only occurs when phase changes occur or chemical reactions occur.

What type lubricant to use in transfer case on 98 Ford Explorer AWD. Also popping on hard acceleration?

Recently purchased, no owners manual, no popping on normal acceleration.|||Mitchell on demand lists 2 different transfer cases for that car. The tag will tell you which one. One is 44-05, the other is 44-72. Both require Motorcraft Mercon XT-2-DDX or XT-2-QDX. I purchase that fluid directly from Ford, or you may be able to find an equivalent at Advance or Napa or similar store. It does not list a capacity but from my experience 2-3 quarts is most likely.

Hope this helps.